Happy work belongs to everyone.

Stevie Wonder said, “You will never feel proud of your work if you find no joy within it. Your best work is always joyful work.”

Let’s put a little joy in your work today.

Using the F-Word @ Work

While it’s tempting to sweep emotions under the rug or let them hang out in dark corners, behavioural science shows us that emotions drive our behaviour. While most organizations and leaders know how they want employees to show up to work, they don’t consider what’s behind those behaviours – how people need to feel.

It is emotions that decide whether someone will share their ideas, contribute to a conversation, help a co-worker, do more than they need to, show enthusiasm for change, or take onboard constructive feedback.

Do your people feel overwhelmed, stuck, incapable, defensive, anxious, uncertain, alone, neglected, angry, or disheartened?

Or do they feel encouraged, supported, energised, confident, helpful, curious, proud, involved, appreciated, brave, or joyful?

Do you even know?

Emotions are central to building the right culture and employee experiences. Emotional culture influences employee satisfaction, motivation, connection, engagement, burnout, teamwork, and even “hard” measures such as financial performance, absenteeism, and turnover.

Start some f-word conversations with your people today and build a better workplace for tomorrow.

Through this highly interactive and hands-on workshop, your team will come together to co-create the positive work environment pivotal for not only their success at work, but also their happiness and wellbeing. The objective of the workshop is to map the emotional culture of the team, explore how they support each other, the culture of the team and the way they work together.

Through this workshop we will help:

  • Individuals understand their motivations, desires, needs and fears at work, plus their teammates

  • Build greater empathy for each other

  • Reinforce the great cultural things that already exist within the team and environment

How we’ll run the 3-4 hour workshop:

  • We’ll explore how your people want to individually feel and not feel at work

  • Work together to map how the team want to feel and not feel as a collective to be successful (your team’s emotional culture)

  • Explore how this environment will impact the culture of the team and how they work together day-to-day

  • Define the actions, behaviours, and rituals that will support the culture they want to foster

After the session, you’ll receive a debrief of the workshop with insights and recommendations to help you continue to grow your emotional culture based on what your team has completed.

This workshop will help your team increase trust and understanding and build stronger connections with one another. Now’s the time to bring more humanity and empathy into your workplace.

This workshop can also be split into multiple sessions to meet group needs.

Map Your Emotional Culture for Teams

Map Your Emotional Culture for Leaders

Bring your leadership team together for this highly interactive, practical and hands-on workshop that will allow them to level up their leadership by learning how to use emotions to guide their leadership approach. They’ll learn how to lead through the lens of emotions at work to have a greater impact on performance and team culture. The workshop will help them create a better connection and understanding between themselves and with their people, which encourages them to develop and grow.

By playing with The Emotional Culture Deck in this workshop, we’ll nudge your leaders to:

  • Explore and learn about the role emotion plays in culture, leadership and high-performing teams

  • Become more empathetic and conscious of their team cultures

  • Work together to define how they want to lead their people and the environment they believe need to create for people and teams to be successful

  • Establish a new mechanism that they can use to help the leadership team continue to develop and grow

How we’ll run the 4-hour workshop:

  • Define how they each individually want to to feel and not feel at work as individual leaders

  • Define how they collectively want their people to feel and not feel within their business units

  • Define the actions, behaviours, and rituals that will support the culture they want to foster

  • At the end of the session, they’ll have completed the Human-Centered Leadership Canvas, which describes how they want to collectively lead their people

After the session, you’ll receive a debrief of the workshop with recommendations to help you continue to grow your emotional culture based on what your leaders have completed.

A great opportunity to bond as a leadership team while developing valuable skills.

This workshop can also be split into multiple sessions to meet group needs.

Organization-Wide Initiatives

Interested in an organization-wide emotional culture initiative? When you map the emotional culture of your entire organization, we work with both your leaders and teams to identify the desired and undesired feelings important to the success of your organization and help you decide on the strategies and actions you can use to reinforce and leverage them.

To learn more, contact me today.

Virtual Workshops

We leave no one out. No matter where your team is in the world, we can make it happen. All workshops are virtual.

A few benefits of your virtual workshop include:

Flexibility & Reach. People can participate from any location, accommodating diverse schedules and needs. Participants from different geographic locations can easily join, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

Improved Engagement. Interactive features such as chatbox discussions, polls, and breakout rooms promote active engagement and participation among attendees.

Time Efficiency. Got a busy team? We can structure your workshop to be delivered in shorter sessions, maximizing learning outcomes while minimizing time commitments.

Increased Psychological Safety. A virtual environment often encourages equal participation allowing all participants to contribute their ideas, ask questions and engage in discussions. It reduces social pressure creating a more comfortable and relaxed environment for participants and provides structured feedback mechanisms for people to share their thoughts and concerns in a way that makes them feel valued.

Looking for in person workshops? In person facilitation is available for select locations in Eastern Ontario, Canada.


“Culture is how employees' hearts and stomachs feel about Monday morning on Sunday night.” - Bill Marklein